Website by Darryl Anthony
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Unique Hits


This site you are currently on is the ONLY Official and Authorized website for the

Forty One Motel (41 Motel) in Cordell, Oklahoma.

We are privately owned and not associated with any online reservation site, travel agency or advertising site including brick and mortar stores or any other companies.

These companies do not represent us and do not have our permission to post any content on their sites pertaining to the 41 Motel. We do not accept reservations from these sites or from any other travel companies or agents. The information contained in these sites are not up to date or accurate.

If you try to make a reservation on any of these sites you will get a message saying something like: “There are no rooms available for the date you entered.” This is because you can not make a reservation with us at those sites.

The only way to obtain accurate and updated information or to make a valid reservation is to contact us at 580-832-3377 or 580-660-5885 during the hours of: 10 am - 8 pm

Popular Cordell Businesses
Click on Logo for website



Please Read Our New Reservation and Cancellation Policy Below

To make it easier on our guests we have relaxed our reservation and cancellation policy.

Please read our new policy and if you have any questions, just let us know.

We will now hold a reservation until 6:00 pm of your reservtion date without a credit card. If you need to cancel or change your reservation time or date please call us before 6:00 pm on original reservation day of arrival.

Note: Depending on occupancy rate, we may not accept a reservation on the same day of arrival. In that case, room availability would be first-come, first-serve.

Late Arrival. If you are going to arrive later than 6:pm then you must call us by 6:pm on the date of arrival to let us know that you are on your way. Otherwise, your reservation will be canceled at 6:01 pm.

IF YOU NEED TO CANCEL, please be considerate and call us before 6:00 pm on reservation date.

We will only accept reservations from the same person or under the same name for a total of three (3) rooms. We do not accept reservations by email. Please call us to make your reservation during office hours of 10:00 am to 8:00 pm.

(580) 832-3377 or (580) 660-5885.

We cannot charge a credit card over the phone. WE MUST HAVE THE CREDIT CARD PRESENT TO SCAN.

If you would like to pay for a guest in advance and cannot bring your credit card to the Motel, go to the Pre-Pay tab.

Note: Refunds may be denied. If approved, there may be a 10% refund fee.






Welcome to the 41 Motel.

Located in the heart of Great Plains Country in western Oklahoma. Explore these few pages to discover a laidback and quiet place to enjoy a pleasant night's stay.




Click For Top Of PageClick For Top Of Page
Courthouse Square
Photo Shows The 41 Motel In Relation To The Courthouse Square


What is the Little Red Barn ?


This is a new accommodtion for over-night stays offering a unique eye-catching design in comfort for the discriminating traveler.


Click here for link





Disclaimer. The 41 Motel and Little Red Barn are owned separately and not associated with each other.
We listened to our guest and lowered our rates on
most rooms... including Nightly and Weekly rates.
Attention !
Acrylic Pantings for sale. Click on "Paintings" link for details.
Under certain conditions sometimes you can hear the Courthouse Dome chime on the hour. Listen... did you hear it?

The Forty One Motel is located 16 miles south of Clinton at I-40 in the heart of Great Plains Country of western Oklahoma. The Motel was established in the 60’s and has a retro feel, but with modern amenities such as Wi-Fi and flat-panel TV’s.

We offer our guests a clean, quiet, and comfortable room for a restful nights stay.

NEW: Would you like to pay for a guest, but can’t bring your credit card to the Motel?

Well, now you can pay online through this website. Go To “Pre-Pay” tab.
(We cannot accept credit card payments by phone).

Stretch Out In Our SUITE.

This special room is a spacious 1,000 sq ft, 2 bedroom, 2 bath, central a/c, living room, private patio, 2 TV's and fully equipped kitchen. Attention to detail  makes a difference in this special room.

Click here for details.